Consider the following...
A boy is struck by lightning and afterwards, can play the piano like a pro.
A mentally-challenged boy falls on his head and afterwards, can sculpt any animal perfectly out of clay with only a second to absorb details.
A man gets into a bar fight and emerges a mathematical genius.
Wait, what?
Jason Padgett: mullet-donning rebel turned mathematical genius
A horrible concussion just knocked the Einstein right into him? For Jason Padgett, that's exactly what happened. Acquired Savant Syndrome is even more rare than other types of Savant Syndrome with only around 30 documented cases in the world. Acquired Savant Syndrome only occurs when a traumatic brain injury occurs and "knocks the Einstein into them." Typically, cases of Acquired Savant Syndrome fall into three categories, including: splinter skills, talented savants, and prodigious savants. Splinter skills denote specific skills related to memory. Talented savants acquire skills that are exceptional but were not present before the injury. Prodigious savants--the most rare of the most rare--acquire skills that are spectacular in glaring contrast to normalcy.
We have to consider, is there an inner Einstein in all of us? What kind of blow would it take to bring it out?
Not sure, not sure I could take the risk.